ORSO standard for reflectometry data files

human-readable data file

The header should be formatted using YAML.

Structure of the header

The first line should state what the file is. E.g.
#reflectivity data file orso file format 0.0

The header is structured into information on the

  • creator
    ownership of the data file
  • data source
    ownership and provenience of the raw data
  • reduction
    software and reduction steps
  • misc
    non-orso content
  • data
    column description and units

using key words and structure as listed in the dictionary.

And finaly a one-line column description refering to the data section of the type
# 1 Qz 2 RQz 3 sRQz 4 sQz 5 ...
or just
# 1 2 3 4 5 ...

Dictionary of the key words used in the header

This section referes to the creation of this file, not the data.
(required) NX_CHAR
Name of the person who created this file
(optional) NX_CHAR
Affiliation of the person who created this file
(optional) NX_DATE_TIME
Date and time of the creation of this file
(optional) NX_CHAR
Computer and user who created this file
data source
This section deals with the source of the data used for generating this file.
This referes to the legal ownership of the raw data.
Name of the owner of the raw data facility
Name of the facility where the measurement has been performed.
experiment ID
(required, if applicable) NX_CHAR
The proposal number or experiment ID under which the data were collected.
experiment date
(optional) NX_DATE_TIME
Dates when the experiement was performed (the whole period rather than the individual measurement).
Title of the experiment / the measurement campain.
Name and if applicable type of the instrument used.
Radiation used during the experiemnt. Either neutrons or x-rays.
For neutrons the polarisation might be given as +1 for fully spin up polarised, -1 for fully spin down polarised and 0 for unpolarised.
Partial polarisation can be expressed as ….
How and parameters
Measurement scheme / geometry. This might be angle- or erergy dispersive, or both.
wavelength range
(optional) NX_FLOAT
Value and unit for angle dispersive scheme
Format <value> # <unit>
Value range and unit for wavelength dispersive scheme.
Format [<lower limit>, <upper limit>] # <unit>
angular range
(optional) NX_FLOAT
Value and unit for wavelength dispersive scheme
Format <value> # <unit>
Value range and unit for angle dispersive scheme.
Format [<lower limit>, <upper limit>] # <unit>
Description of the measured sample.
A name uniquely identifying the sample
Nominal composition of the sample if known.
Format suggestion following GenX nomenclature
- amb: air
- layer: {material: Ni, thickness: 100 nm}
- subs: Si
List of links to related data, publications, instruments and so on. Free format, e.g.
related extensive file : fulldatafile.hdf
doi : orso2020.123456.789
instrument reference : doi:10.1016/j.nima.2016.03.007
Information on the reduction steps performed to obtain the data below from the raw data set(s) listed here.
Name and version of the software.
Echo of the call of the software or soemthing similar which allows to reproduce the data content of this file.
Plain text with comments about the data reduction. This allows to explain details of the reduction algorithm or what assumptions have been made.
List of reduction steps that have been performed. Probably with reference to a standadised procedure (orso repository) or to a publication.
Description of the binning applied to the data.
several ranges require a repetition of the block.
Qz range
[:0.01] # Aa^-1
delta Qz
0.001 # Aa^-1
input files
Data files used for creating the data below.
(required if applicable)
List of files used for normalisation of the data.
: File name

: Date of creation (measurement?) of the raw file 
: Format YYYY/MM/DD:hh:mm:ss
List of files containing the raw data.
: File name

: Date of creation (measurement?) of the raw file 
: Format YYYY/MM/DD:hh:mm:ss
data state
key word like summary of the reduction steps
Format ` :
Optional section to be used with non-orso-standard key words.
Column description and data array containing the reduced data and related quantities.
The content of columns 1 to 4 is defined. Further columns may contain whatever the creator wants - as long as it is clearly stated what it is and what the units are.
column 1
Must be one of Qz, alpha_i or lambda.
Together with the unit, i.e. nm^-1, Aa^-1, deg, rad, nm or Aa.
column 2
Must be the reflectivity or intensity as a function column 1.
If applicable with unit.
column 3
Must be the uncertainty of the quantity in column 2.
This might be the standard deviation (sigma), FWHM, or the like.
Including appropriate units.
column 4
(optional, but defined if present)
If available the uncertainty of the quantity in column 1.
This might be the standard deviation (sigma), FWHM, or the like.
Including appropriate units.
column 5