The examples presented and discussed below are NOT the orso standard. Their purpose is to illustrate ideas and to form the basis for discussions. So please feel free to do so!

You might add some comments and own examples with some text here. Please mention who you are by putting “(Your Name)” at the beginning of your comment or the section you added.

One major outcome of the workshop in May 2020 was that there should be 2 file formats:

  • a comprehensive one, most likely in HDF format, which fulfils the principles of inter-operability and ….

  • a pragmatic one, which is human-readable and which contains at least the most essential information.

table of content

how to contribute

You can help to improve the formats in various ways:

  • Add a comment below the examples. Please start with “(Your Name)”.
  • Add a commented alternative heading below.
  • Send an e-mail to Jochen if you have no writing privileges or are uncertain how to edit the markdown source file.
  • Write on the message bord.
  • Try to realise the suggested format or something similar in your reduction software. And please report on outcome and issues.

comprehensive HDF file

(A. Nelson) under development …

pragmatic ASCII file

minimum content

It is still under debate what the minimum content of this file should be. For sure it should contain:

  • the columns Qz, R(Qz) or I(Qz), and sigma_R.

  • a correct column labelling including units

  • information about the owner/creator

  • information which allows to trace it back to the raw data files and the reduction software used. If possible including the parameters used for reduction.

  • the probe (neutrons or x-rays)

and probably also

  • a description of the data reduction steps performed so far

  • a reference to the comprehensive HDF file

  • a 4th column with sigma_Qz

A made up example (using YAML for structuring) of a minimum file could look like this (Jochen Stahn):

# creator:
#   name        : Jochen Stahn
#   affiliation : PSI
#   time        : 2020/04/06/13:21:18
# data source:
#   experiment:
#     probe              : neutrons
#     sample:
#       name             : Ni1000
# reduction:
#   software:
#     call : -Y 2020 -n 1925-1927 -y 9,55 ni1000 -O -0.2 -r 1064 -s 1 -i -a 0.005 -e
# data:
#   column 1 : Qz / Aa^-1
#   column 2 : RQz
#   column 3 : sigma RQz , standard deviation
#            1               2               3
1.03563296e-02  3.88100068e+00  4.33909068e+00
1.06717294e-02  1.16430511e+01  8.89252719e+00

On top of this minimum set, a wide variety of information and content can be given. Some of it in a standardised form, i.e. using the structure and key words defined in some orso standard.

The rest in almost free form - as long as it does not interfere with the minimum content and the format rules.

Adding the recommended content the file looks like this (Jochen Stahn):

## reflectivity data file                                 orso file format 0.0
# creator:
#   name        : Jochen Stahn
#   affiliation : PSI
#   time        : 2020/04/06/13:21:18
#   system      :
# data source:
#   origin:
#     owner              : Jochen Stahn, PSI
#     facility           : Paul Scherrer Institut, SINQ
#     experiment ID      : 2019 0042
#     experiment date    : 2020/02/02 - 2020/02/04
#     title              : Generation of input for file formatting purposes
#   experiment:
#     instrument         : neutron reflectometer Amor
#     probe              : neutrons
#       polarisation     : +0.97
#     measurement:
#       scheme           : angle- and energy-dispersive
#              --
#       wavelength range : {4.0, 12.0, 'Aa'}
#              or
#       wavelength range : [4.0, 12.0] # Aa
#              or
#       wavelength range : 4.0, 12.0
#       wavelength unit  : Aa
#              --
#       angular range    : [0.3, 2.1] # deg
#       omega            : 1.2 # deg
#     sample:
#       name             : Ni1000
#       description:
#         - amb          : air
#         - layer        : {material: Ni, thickness: 100 nm}
#         - subs         : Si
#   links:
#     related extensive file : fulldatafile.hdf
#     doi                    : orso2020.123456.789
#     instrument reference   : doi:10.1016/j.nima.2016.03.007
# reduction:
#   software:
#     call : -Y 2020 -n 1925-1927 -y 9,55 ni1000 -O -0.2 -r 1064 -s 1 -i -a 0.005 -e
#     comments:
#       - corrections performed by normalisation to measurement on reference sample (-r)
#     corrections:
#       - full footprint correction (-r)
#       - incident intensity (-r)
#       - detector spatial resolution (-i)
#     binning:
#       - Qz range : [:0.01] # Aa^-1
#         type     : linear
#         delta Qz : 0.001 # Aa^-1
#       - Qz range : [0.01:] # Aa^-1
#         type     : exponential
#         calculus : Qz_n = 0.01 * (1+0.005)^n # Aa^-1
#   input files:
#     references:
#       - file     : amor2020n001064.hdf
#         created  : 2020/02/02/15:38:17
#     datafiles:
#       - file     : amor2020n001925.hdf
#         created  : 2020/02/03/14:27:45
#       - file     : amor2020n001926.hdf
#         created  : 2020/02/03/14:37:15
#       - file     : amor2020n001927.hdf
#         created  : 2020/02/03/14:27:02
#   data state:
#     footprint    : corrected
#     intensity    : normalised
#     resolution   : not corrected for, see column sigma Qz
#     resolution   : calculated, based on wavelength resolution and detector spatial resolution
#     absorption   : uncorrected, not needed
#     background   : uncorrected
# data:
#   column 1 : Qz / Aa^-1
#   column 2 : RQz
#   column 3 : sigma RQz , standard deviation
#   column 4 : sigma Qz / Aa^-1, standard deviation
#            1               2               3               4
1.03563296e-02  3.88100068e+00  4.33909068e+00  5.17816478e-05
1.06717294e-02  1.16430511e+01  8.89252719e+00  5.33586471e-05

optional content

And including some user-defined content leads to this (Jochen Stahn):

## reflectivity data file                                 orso file format 0.0
# misc:
#   resolution :
#     description : "Gaussian wit freely selectable integral, offset and sigma"
#     calculus    : f(q) = a * exp( - (Qz-b)^2 / c^2 )
# data:
#   column 1 : Qz / Aa^-1
#   column 2 : RQz
#   column 3 : sigma RQz , standard deviation
#   column 4 : sigma Qz / Aa^-1, standard deviation
#   column 5 : parameter "a" of the resolution function
#   column 6 : parameter "b" of the resolution function
#   column 7 : parameter "c" of the resolution function
#            1               2               3               4               5               6               7
1.03563296e-02  3.88100068e+00  4.33909068e+00  5.17816478e-05  1.00000000e+00  4.00000000e+00 -2.00000000e+00
1.06717294e-02  1.16430511e+01  8.89252719e+00  5.33586471e-05  1.10000000e+00  4.10000000e+00 -2.10000000e+00

The content of the misc section is not defined by orso. But this allows to provide information to more sophisticated analysis software. Of cause this software must know how to read and handle this input.