Recent events

the Open Reflectometry Standards Organisation ORSO annual meeting at SXNS17

The 2024 annual meeting of ORSO took place in person on 19th July as a satelite of the SXNS17 meeting at ILL & ESRF Campus, in Grenoble, France.

Details of the workshop are available here

Historical ORSO Workshops

Each of the ORSO working groups meets in between AGMs to review open issues. These meetings are advertised through the ORSO mailing list.

Past events

Meeting or Workshop Date Place Meeting report
6th Annual Meeting July 2024 Grenoble, France  
5th Annual Meeting June 2023 Online  
4th Annual Meeting June 2022 Online  
3rd Annual Meeting June 2021 Online Neutron News, SR News
Education and Outreach Sep & Oct 2020 Online  
Reproducibility Sep 2020 Online  
File Formats Sep 2020 Online  
Data Analysis Oct 13th 10-14 (UTC) Online  
2nd Annual Meeting May 2020 Online Neutron News, SR News
The 1st Meeting of ORSO Oct. 2019 Abingdon, UK  

For most recent activities please check github issues for each working group:

If you would like to participate in any of these meetings, sign up to the mailing list or contact the chair of the relevant working group directly.