The Annual Genral Meeting of ORSO will take place online in 14th-18th June 2021. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss topics of interest to the ORSO community. The program will consist of scientific and technical talks together with discussion forums for each of the working groups
Registration is now closed
If you have not registered and wish to attend the meeting, please contact Tom
A more detailed agenda is now available here using the european time zone.
Monday 14th June: Plenary Sessions
The pleanry sessions will introduce ORSO and summarise our activities since the last meeting. There will also be up to 8 scientific talks on subjects of interest to the ORSO community (speakers to be confirmed). Since the agenda is scheduled to try to cover all time zones, we acknowledge that it may be difficult to attend all these sessions. We will therefore record the plenary session and post the videos here after the meeting.
Plenary Session 1
08:00-11:00 (UK), 09:00-12:00 (Europe), 04:00-07:00 (US East coast), 17:00-20:00 (Australia East coast):
Recordings of the talks are now uploaded. The saved chat is also available here
Confirmed Speakers
- Tom Arnold Introduction VIDEO and SLIDES
- Stuart Prescott, University of New South Wales, Australia. “Reproducible science in the neutron reflection context” VIDEO and SLIDES
- Hiroyuki Aoki, J-PARC, Japan. “Spatially resolved neutron reflectometry by computed tomography” VIDEO and SLIDES
- Tom Hase, University of Warwick, UK. “Resonant x-ray reflectivity: probing the chemical and magnetic profiles” VIDEO and SLIDES
- Nina-Juliane Steinke, Institut Laue-Langevin, France. “Polarisation corrections made difficult…” VIDEO
- The ORSO Chairs. Summary of progress since the last meeting
Plenary Session 2
18:00-21:00 (UK), 19:00-22:00 (Europe), 13:00-16:00 (US East coast), 03:00-06:00 (Australia East coast):
Confirmed Speakers
- Tom Arnold Introduction VIDEO and SLIDES
- Tim Charlton, SNS, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA. “Reinventing time-of-flight reflectometry—return of a proven approach” VIDEO and SLIDES
- Binhua Lin, University of Chicago, USA. “Free Thiols Regulatation of the Interactions and Self-Assembly of Thiol-Passivated Metal Nanoparticles investigated with X-ray scattering and MD simulations.” VIDEO and SLIDES
- Ray Osborn, Argonne National Laboratory, USA. “Why NeXus?” VIDEO and SLIDES
- Ben Ocko, National Synchrotron Light Source II, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA. “35 years of x-ray reflectivity at NSLS & NSLS II: science hiding in small features and the new kid (instrument) on the block.” VIDEO and SLIDES
- The ORSO Chairs. Summary of progress since the last meeting
Tuesday 15th June: Data Formats Working Group
Wednesday 16th June: Reproducibility Working Group
Thursday 17th June: Data Analysis Working Group
Friday 18th June: Education and Outreach Working Group
Friday 18th June: Concluding Plenary Session
In the final session of the workshop we will summarise the working group discussions and look to the future with some talks on the application of Machine Learning or Artifical Intelligence to Reflectometry (speakers to be confirmed)
18:00-20:00 (UK), 19:00-21:00 (Europe), 13:00-15:00 (US East coast), 03:00-05:00 (Australia East coast):
Confirmed Speakers
- Jos Cooper and James Durant, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, UK. “New Methods in Reflectivity Analysis: Neural Networks and the Fisher Information”, VIDEO
- Stefan Kowarik, Graz University of Technology, Austria. “Artificial Intelligence Analysis of Reflectivity Data”, VIDEO
- Juan Carmona Loaiza, Reply Machine Learning, Germany. “Towards reflectivity profile inversion through artificial neural networks”, VIDEO