ORSO workshop 2020
Session 1: Detailed introduction and aims of the working group – (26th 18:00/27th 08:00)
- Selection of a scribe
- Introduction to current members of group
- The goal of this group is to share as much as possible of the code and practices that have been developed worldwide for analyzing reflectivity data
- This primarily means modeling and fitting - issues related to data reduction (standardisation of format, and reproducibility) have been sorted into the other working groups
Tasks for the workgroup:
- Verifying that the various engines that perform reflectivity calculations give the same results for the same inputs (validation)
- Defining a shared vocabulary for describing reflectivity model problems (that can be used to verify the calculation engines)
- Defining “dialects” for domain-specific applications (e.g. magnetic layered structures, membrane protein systems, polymer melts, etc)
Some work (by A. Nelson) already done on verification task
- Discussion topics:
- Existing tasks: prioritize
- Existing tasks: identify “next step” (action item)
- Other tasks: what else can we do to share data analysis between reflectometrists?
Desired output from this session:
- Priorities for tasks
- New tasks
- Action item(s) for tasks
Session 2: Toward a shared calculation engine – (26th 22:30/27th 18:00)
…or at least a shared language for the inputs to the engine
- Selection of a scribe
- What is the best way to collaborate on a shared reflectometry calculation engine?
- Just the kernel (written in C or ?)
- A higher-level program that takes whole problem definitions (parameters, constraints, etc)
- What are the required elements for describing the inputs to a reflectivity calculation kernel?
- Build on the work already done on validation (a programmatic adapter for each engine being hand-crafted by A. Nelson)
Desired output from this session:
- A strategy for collaborating on reflectometry calculator
- Discussion on standardisation of problem language
- Any new items
Session 3: Specific problem definitions: building real models – (27th 22:30/28th 08:00)
Dealing with distinct reflectometry problem categories, e.g. magnetic layers, polymer melts, biological membranes…
- Selection of a scribe
- Problem categories might naturally follow implementations of fitting routines (everyone with a very specific fitting problem has had to address this somehow), so…
- How many fitting programs are out there? (some may support more than one type of model / problem definition)
- Your own fitting problem: What terms would you need to describe the fits you do? Constraints?
- How can we collaborate on constructing model builders for all these categories of problem?
- Currently calculation/fitting engine and model builder are all one application: how to effectively share calculation engine between model builders
Desired output from this session:
- Identification of problem domains (dialects) people are working on
- Strategy for collaboration on model builders
- Strategy for sharing calculation engine between model types (outputs of model builders)
- Any new ideas for collaboration on domain-specific fitting